Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I've been shopping.....

Christmas in 5 days. I still don't feel it, so I probably never will. I have gifts for Michel. This is fun this year. He is getting a trip to France. So the box to announce the trip contains a survival kit, of sorts. A beret... but of course. And some obvious stuff. And the pista la resistance being, a SPEEDO!! Can't go to Europe and wear big ole' baggy American shorts. HA

For Emma, a wonderful Emma sized wicker rocking chair and I knitted her a cabled blanket to go with it. So she can be warm and "rock on" in 07.

Otherwise, I had lots of "misfits" to surprise with this and that. This is all done. Nothing left for me to do.

The family in general and Phil and I don't usually exchange gifts. We gave up the commercial need to satisfy this trend that has gotten so out of hand in society. We decided years ago to just get gifts for the kids and spend our money on fine food and drink and celebration together. This has taken so much stress out of the holiday. But, this year, something is developing or brewing or whatever. People are plotting and whispering. Michel especially, seems to have done something extravagant on my behalf. (They are so bad at being secretive). AND!!!! Mom and Dad seem to have some plan up their sleeve, even though she made a point to call me - like she does every year - to reiterate that we are not doing gifts. I don't know. The only rule that I broke was to get for Phil a print for his new office of the Port of Marseilles where he was born. But I can cover it up by giving it to Michel to give to him. Oh, and for Nikki and Nate, I got gifts to put under their tree, but they are from EMMA. So no rules broken. He heeee Mom and Dad however, are on my shit list!!! They have blatantly bent some rules. I can tell by the giggles and whispers and secretive phone calls to Michel. Hmmmmm

So maybe in some twisted and/or screwy way, we have actually captured the essence of what Christmas is suppose to be. A surprise, no matter what rules are broken. Nothing expected. No appliances, no clothes, no meaningless filler gifts. But rather, a gift with immense meaning because we just could not help ourselves.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Getting lost in the keys

I have a crazy desire to type. Relentless and whatever ramblings in my head about constant thoughts are like a lava flow that just need an escape. I equate my ambition for the keyboard to the ambition that Billy Joel has for his keys when he is in the zone with songs like: Scenes from an Italian restaurant. It's just a hammering of emotion, whatever the outlet.
Date night, Friday in the year of 06 on December 8th. Gotta work to keep the passion alive lest daily mundulaities take over and warp you heart. (Yes, I just coined that word). I took my baby to Papadeux'. We cleaned up nicely and got into the spirit of the night. They sure have their shit down pat. It was so crowded, we had to circle for parking. But once accomplished we strolled in, expecting a wait, and had already discussed should we sit at the bar or in the outside lounge. However, we were escorted immediately to a front row table.
Merlot & Budweiser
Calamari Mediterranean Style
Coconut Shrimp
Lobster tail, Baked potato
Flawless service. They get my 4 stars ****

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Decline of my Christmas Spirit

I just don't feel it. All of my neighbors are lit up and festive and I am like the "scrooge" house on the block. I am sure the closer I get to 12/25, the more I will be hoping for a LIFETIME Channel moment. But right now, it's just not there.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My Christmas List

Remember what you have in your life to be thankful for, and cherish it. There is simply nothing more to ask for,
except........ maybe:

365 pair of soft, squishy white socks. A new pair for every day in 07.

A tree in my front rocks.

Inspired days, soulful nights, and no regrets.

Books, anything on cooking must have photos. I am visually inspired.

A greener thumb. Mine has gone rather turquoise lately.

Another healthy year with my ever aging, grey haired dog.

.........Of Course

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Two Sesame Seeds

Some things are just better left unspoken.And then, on the other hand, just to rich not to speak of.
But when life hands you an obvious "Blog Tagline" you must accept it.
And so, are the circumstances of this moment in the quilt of my life. With humor, I add this patch to my quilt.
Black Friday, or the day after - I can't remember which... Phil is in an obvious and rare pissy mood. Thus noted, I steer clear.
He isn't working because of the forced holiday, so he is trying to occupy his time at home with "things".
But he can't really find shit to do. So he meanders here and there.
Being an innocent, yet amused bystander, I am just doing the usual. And then a sudden burst of him through the door arriving to confront me with some horrid situation, which he displays on his index finger. He has found 2 sesame seeds in his car and adamantly accuses me of eating in his the beloved BMW.
It still invokes spontaneous laughter.
Could there BE better stories in life than that?? One for which he will be held accountable for decades.
God Bless the human spirit :)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Food Anxiety !

What is wrong with me? It's just one meal. And one I have done numerous times, with success. So "why oh why" do I have this stress / anxiety / hyper-chopping / cooking like a fool and baking more pies than anyone can eat mentality?
I blame it on my mom - oh and, thank her for the stuffing advice that hangs on in my psyche from when I am 4-5 years old.
I wish I could shake my "Martha" mentality about all of this. After all, I am feeding Mom, Dad, Phil, Nikki, Nathan and Mike - and Emma, she just doesn't care. The stupid fact is that I feed them every day! Why is Thanksgiving different in my mind?
OK, I am relaxing. Just slap a 30 pound bird in the dirty oven at 5 AM on Thursday and make 7-10 side dishes with 4 available burners and juggle those damn bread rolls after the turkey comes out. Hope I don't forget them, like last year.

Friday, November 10, 2006


........sort of.
This is Franchesica.
I need a better camera. And so begins my Christmas list.

... Of Wisdom

Looking so forward to your insight and meanderings! This is better than drunken emails!
I am stealing an hour during daylight even, to type, as Phil is getting a much needed haircut. After all, it's been seven long days since his last. We are all convinced that not only in he man-orexic, he has also morphed into metro-sexual. But in a good way, if there is such a thing. I am inspired to post "house undies" now that we have it out there in the open. And I will. Something to look forward to.
It's a blessed Friday night and I am flooded with gratitude, just for that fact! Michel just breezed in to regale me with stories of fly fishing in the nearby lakes and bowling humor from last night. Paws is poolside, barking at Buddy across the loop. Buddy is a beagle with grey whiskers that stands on top of a kids playhouse in the yard across the road, barking at all passerbyers, and anyone else that will listen. He's a humorous beast, one that I am sure has commanded many barking complaints and warnings from the association. But regardless, he mans his post, day & night. I rather like him.
And so begins my weekend and slight vacation! I actually feel a shudder of relaxation brewing in my spirit. It's foreign, but I am open to foreign languages.
I wish you socks........

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I spent today's thoughts as close to the gratitude latitude as possible. There were moments of ego, but for the most part, I was in the moment. (EGO = Edging God Out)
I was elated today by nothing more than a sound. And that's all it took to center me.
Pomegranates are plentiful this time of year and I have them all over my kitchen. I had an urge for a break from plastics, so I juiced 10 or so and made pomegranate jam. I ladled my labor into hot jars and tightened their lids. Then I went back to work. They sat bright red and happy on my counter. 20 minutes or so later, they began to "pop" as their lids sealed in the sweet jam offering. The continued sound of lids "popping" in a satisfactory way, made me smile. And so went my thoughts.... These little moments ARE life. Not bills or aches & pains or yard work or oil changes or obligation to go vote today. No, it's just a tiny "pop" that is the essence of life.
And so, as I worked the rest of today, I listed in my head the tiny things in life that delight me.
And they are.........
New Socks - when I have the means for indulgance, I will have a new pair of socks every day. There is nothing better than a never before walked upon sock. This is my favorite luxury.
Witnessing a "V" of Geese
Skiens of Yarn
A remembered heartache that echos inspiration
Coyote sightings
Egg Salad
Mailing a package and imaginaging the recipient's unexpected delight
Music and late night blogging
A Democratic outcome
The lingering smell of PineSol after eagerly cleaning the house
A virgin notebook waiting for ideas to be jotted
Dark Clouds
Leftover turkey and ketchup
Gerber Daisey's
Lists of things, making lists and all things organized
A "not yet read" Magazine - preferably the cooking variety
Watching Phil smoke in the dark
and My Beloved Dreams (the sleeping kind) .........I am an avid dreamer. Just ask the pink kitten.
The Pink Kitten ......this is my mind. Enlightenment is not far behind

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Promise


October 27th in the year of 2006...

In the "working on me" department, I simply have to learn to slow my pace. This I know. My days are such a whirlwind of self imposed chores. I know I can do a bit less and take a few more breaks. It's my goal for November.

Family and such is on an even keel. I am still grasping the fact that my husband is human and therefore, flawed. But as Vickie points out, I was in love for 14 years and have just now opened my eyes. It was a good run!!

Michel is 17 on Sunday. I am dealing with melancholy and longing that it went so fast and that I didn't do it better. But I have to be confidant in the person that he has become. And so this year, I accept in my heart that I am letting him go to grow and live.

My company / work is no longer the frantic stress of chaos that was in this past summer. It's a successful hum of steady income and happy employees and opportunity for all that work here. I am eternally grateful each and every day.

The coyote story continues to evolve. The grey one that frightened me last month has now become my distant friend. I have named her Franchescia. I decide she is a "her" because I think a male would be more skittish / preditory towards Paw Paws. But this creature is not afraid of us and actually seeks us out - from afar, but she is there. We have had the pleasure of coming within 2-3 feet of her. When this happened, I apologized and cross the road, allowing her, her space. Yet she follows at a distance. This goes on almost every night. Once I had the pleasure of sitting on Tee # whatever while she lounged close to me. I spoke to her. We chatted and it was an amicable communication. The moment was so close to Nirvana with a beast that is was that night I named her. She made me feel like I was St. Francis, talking to the animals.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I am constantly tweaking the details that are my life. I feel like I am "fine tuned", but realize that is is an ongoing journey. And so, I am humble, but grateful for the good time I am making.

Like sands through the hourglass.........

........and so Posted by Picasa

Early Fall

Temperatures are flirting with triple digits this 4th day in October. Apparently to remind us where we are living. Just when I break out the pumpkins, the desert has a big laugh. Let's hope this is the last laugh. I am ready for a sweater and AC bills under $400.
Phil is on travel. I am aimlessly functioning, but it feels like I am missing my best friend. My days are hollow until he gets back. Tonight he sleeps in Baltimore. He is sounding weary when last we spoke. Three states, five cities and numerous plane rides are taking an apparent toll. Some Blessed Blue Shuttle should deliver him back to me late tomorrow night.
In his absence I have a line full of plastics (which are now completed, with a sigh of relief - 200 and change). I am manically cleaning out our space in preparation for our semi-annual community garage sale that will occur this Saturday! So, with all of my choosen junk housed in the garage, it is now up to me to sort, clean, price and organize the stuff. The hours it is taking is staggering!
I just hope the profits match the effort.

Just a Thought

She appears to be so contimplative, however, at 17 months, full of energy and Oreos, that apparent "thoughtful pose" was a mere 3 seconds in time. I am grateful to have captured it!

What's on Emma's IPOD you ask?? She is enjoying some Laurie Berkner, the Itsy Bitsy Spider and "I'm the Map".

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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Stalking the Stalker

As each and every day begins, I find myself wandering the neighborhood just before dawn behind the leash of one Jean Claude Paw Paws Moreau. More commonly known as just PawPaws.
This particular morning was typical and I went along absentmindedly while I played the day's upcoming marquee in my head. I was snapped to consciousness when I realized the coyote, that we used to enjoy seeing, was now our predator! I realized that he was following us just a few yards behind. When I turned to look, he would hunker down as if to hide! As we went on, he continued behind with this hunkering attitude. Now I am alarmed. My practical brain reminds me that the coyote must weigh 40 or so pounds, while Paws is a burley 110 and the "wild-a-beast" is no match. But my reasoning decided that the coyote did not care. And so we ducked in to a neighborhood, hoping the concrete would be enough of a barrier. Well, that Wiley coyote came to the very edge of the neighborhood and sat on the corner, upright and proud, daring us to come by. Needless to say, we were trapped. I grabbed a stick as if........ it made me feel better. During this entire supposed confrontation, Paws is oblivious as he has things to smell. We are saved by the sun, joggers, golf carts and the world waking up that sends the coyote back to wherever it is that he shrinks alway to.
So I began my day today, sans Paw Paws, at 5:30 AM with my camera. I am going to stalk this curious beast until I get to shoot him. He is so bold. And I am relentless. So we are playing an apparent chess game this coyote and I.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Day in ......... Day out

It's currently day out, September 23, 2006. There was a noticeable
shift in seasons today, from summer to fall. It is so slight, but so apparent if you take a moment to notice. The world smells different - all of the sudden. From baked pavement..... to burning wood, kind of crisp and clean and new beginning ,slight coolness, wrap a sweater around and listen to jazz in the dark because it feels so good - kind of change.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Talking to "DOG"

My inspiration today has been watching these two most innocent souls having a patio chat. These are the moments that imprint my life. She looks at his big animal form in wonder, and he tolerates her with kindness and grace. And they are both...............

talking to God.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Get the picture

With Outstretched Arms!!

For months (or years) I have had a "knowing" - even when I didn't know what it was. But in current day, I have an inkling. There is change coming, be whatever it is. An easy statement. There is always change coming. I don't depict doom. I see a portal in which some will pass and so many are preparing for (albiet with subconscious gratitude). And I can make this bold statement because the people that draw to me - or I them, are of similar mind. And it's not a voiced thought for the most part. but timid souls asking: "do you feel it too". Metaphorically speaking, we are sure at "End of Times" But this is a certain positive. These times need to end. And I embrace the changes.

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Dogs Days of Summer have forced Mr. Jean Claude Pawpaw's into
perfecting his yoga practice. Of this, I am so proud. I am probably one of the few that can honestly say that when we do "downward facing dog" it's more literal than just the name of the pose.

Tornado "EMMA" ripped through my house today. In her wake I have macaroni ground in to the carpet, refrigerator magnets strewn across the kitchen threatening a sprained ankle, discarded toys cluttering my closet floor, garden seeds are everywhere that I look and puddles
of unrecognizable substances are drying on every surface. But the upside of this chaos was the genuine hug at 8 AM this morning when she entered and the spontanious kisses on my arm when she became overwhelmed with delight and could not contain it.
Her laughter and amazing light of being is a my biggest joy.
No one ever warned me that becoming a Grandma would be the most enlightening experience yet in my life. At 16 months, this child has taught me more than the first 47 years have offered.
There's something to be said for that.............
However I am at a loss for words. I have to clean the kitchen.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Letting Go...........
What I nice break I've had! A small vacation from work and Mike's return to school granted some much needed freedom and mindless wandering around my house and garden. I really feel like I have re-captured my ZEN and can get on with it.
Work begins again tomorrow (suddenly and without pre-amble or precognition) with a vengeance. But I am ready to divide and conquer, even though my employees have all scattered in the wind with 3 weeks off. I'll have to coral their energies and re-focus us all. But we have been mourning our humble assembly line and I look forward to the banter, complaints and general chatter that goes on while we build boxes. Oh Bless us our "light pipes and bottom shields".
I have gardening issues that came to my attention this morning. My once well tended to sprouts are now neglected shards of themselves! I was dismayed to realize the morning glories, however glorious, have completely taken over the oleander in the corner, are threatening the pumpkins and wrapping themselves vigorously around the pool pump pipes! I spent the better part of the day disciplining them in to some sort of order. The grapevines are magnificent, but showing signs of neglect and have legions of ants marching all around them. God Bless the bamboo for their easy nature. No matter how neglected, they continue to march upward towards the heavens in all of their glory. I will take their lead and attempt to do the same.......................

Saturday, August 12, 2006

With the absence of work this past week, I have discovered massive ambition for tending to this house! And have new found creative juices thanks to this blogging outlet.
Angry at the men in this house, I donned IPOD and launched in to cleaning like 10,000 maniacs. And now, just prior to sunset and with libation in hand, I am reaping the rewards. This place is spotless, just the way I like it!! School starts in 36 hours and 2 minutes, so I am acutely aware of my impending freedom! I intend to start my Monday morning with nothing to do, or buy or cook or.................anything. I will spend my "back to school Monday" breathing in a sigh of gratitiude.
In the meantime, I have been manically preparing menus and documenting every ounce at my sister site, ONCE UPON A TINE and THE LUNCHBOX. Menu mania and creatitivy have me psyched! I am even considering making bread on Monday!! That is, if I can stop the gleeful dancing.
Right now, I am souly satisfied with Loverboy, Clint Black & K.D. Lang entertaining me while I watch live feed of BIG BROTHER. Life is good.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Phil is walking Paws, albeit with a grudging attitude. I can see them wandering the “golf”. Paws seems happy. Phil is smoking. And so our weekend begins. We’ve just completed 6 months of 7 days a week, 12 hours a day on the production line. And now that the contract is completed, I may be lost. I don’t know how we’ll function as regular people. Even Phil, who has not taken a day off this year, will stay home for 2 days. When we’re not building plastics and/or taking inventory and/or catering to employees – who are we? It should be interesting finding out what gives us reason to live.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

My Spirit is soggy

Like an unimagined nightmare, our air conditioner went out – completely – today. Whereas, this is a minor setback in normal society, I suppose, for us desert dwellers, it’s more of a TRAGIC EVENT. The temps were just under 110 degrees on the outside and remained 97+ indoors. Not so bad in black and white, but the sustained drama of 24 hours in this environment has flattened my resolve. AC repair just advised us to hang on. We are on “the list”, for whatever comfort that is.

Hour 14 – Pawpaw’s is wearing wet towels. I am listening to every to every motivational speaker on tape that I own. I can do this……

Slept on the floor tonight because Pawpaw’s fan is the only one offering any comfort.

Morning: 3 swims in the pool and then a bath. It’s miserable and I cannot work or function. I abhor sweat. So I sit.

The repairman arrives. And I thought I was miserable!! He has been on call for days on end – and I am his next victim. $775 and 10 hours later – life is back to normal, for the most part; sans my checkbook. He depicts doom for my TRANE unit and admonishes me to replace the whole thing. For a mere 8K, I would have no worries – OH, except for the 8K.
Fingers are crossed, hopes are high, my spirit is however, SOGGY. Looking forward to higher ground tomorrow.

AN ounce of optimism

Summer mornings start slow in the lower Arizona desert. I hesitate to launch my day, dreading the demanding temperatures I will once again prepare to face. My mood is one of lethargy. I would like to stay curled up here until October arrives, with it's promise of "spring" and when I will again become invigorated by life. However, Pawpaw's is making his presence known with a wet nose and demanding attitude, and so we start out on our morning walk. It's 6:30 AM and 91 degrees. This cooling trend is welcome!

The air is heavy and damp but with no promise of rain. We meander past the gardening crews, coiffing the golf course. Their tools wheeze and whine and pierce this usually quiet stretch, sending us further down the path. As Pawpaw's sniffs and smells every twig and bush along the way, a lone coyote crosses the road. It has red fur and is emaciatingly thin. We wish him a big feast today somewhere on the "golf". Our next glimpse of nature is a long tall roadrunner following in the footsteps of the coyote. The comedic nature of the scene offers my day hope and promise. And so, we wander home with tongues wagging, our day looms ahead…….