October 27th in the year of 2006...
In the "working on me" department, I simply have to learn to slow my pace. This I know. My days are such a whirlwind of self imposed chores. I know I can do a bit less and take a few more breaks. It's my goal for November.
Family and such is on an even keel. I am still grasping the fact that my husband is human and therefore, flawed. But as Vickie points out, I was in love for 14 years and have just now opened my eyes. It was a good run!!
Michel is 17 on Sunday. I am dealing with melancholy and longing that it went so fast and that I didn't do it better. But I have to be confidant in the person that he has become. And so this year, I accept in my heart that I am letting him go to grow and live.
My company / work is no longer the frantic stress of chaos that was in this past summer. It's a successful hum of steady income and happy employees and opportunity for all that work here. I am eternally grateful each and every day.
The coyote story continues to evolve. The grey one that frightened me last month has now become my distant friend. I have named her Franchescia. I decide she is a "her" because I think a male would be more skittish / preditory towards Paw Paws. But this creature is not afraid of us and actually seeks us out - from afar, but she is there. We have had the pleasure of coming within 2-3 feet of her. When this happened, I apologized and cross the road, allowing her, her space. Yet she follows at a distance. This goes on almost every night. Once I had the pleasure of sitting on Tee # whatever while she lounged close to me. I spoke to her. We chatted and it was an amicable communication. The moment was so close to Nirvana with a beast that is was that night I named her. She made me feel like I was St. Francis, talking to the animals.