Friday, February 08, 2008

Signs of Spring

I have spring fever. I am so anxious to get growing. I have been sowing seeds in Emma's garden for the last week. With this great sun and warm days, I think my timing may have been perfect. I expect to see life creeping out of the ground any day now. This is the time of year that we live here for and I intend to relish every second. Much to my astonishment, PawPaws took the plunge today. First swim in the pool for the season. I don't know what he was thinking. It had to be cold and I yelled at him to get out. He did, acting all smug about the whole thing. But he must have been freezing his ass off!

Emma's tree is budding already!! Yes, everything belongs to Emma.....I just raked up the last of it's leaves last week and it's already coming back. It was only dormant for a few minutes. It's going through a big growth spurt this year and should actually provide shade on the NE side of the house this summer.

I hate to brag about our temperatures, especially when I think of Cindi over there in Illinois living vicariously through our weather reports. But I'm gonna do it anyway. It's still 70 degrees at 5 PM tonight, simply the most perfect day yet this year. But the weekend promises to hold some record breakers for perfect. We may see 80's but are assured high 70's both days. I am going to make the most of every minute of it. A hike for sure. A little horseback riding on Sunday at South Mountain and without a doubt some intense gardening concluded by a Corona and lime while soaking up a bit of sun watching the hot air ballons behind my house rise in the late afternoon sky. A huge V of geese just flew over with a few stragglers in the rear trailing behind. There is something about the geese that just brings out the zen in me.

1 comment:

C.A. said...

Jules, go out and walk in the sun for me today, please. Our low tonight is going to be six degrees. Yesterday I glanced out in the back yard and the pool has ice on the cover. I couldn't bear to look for long. You are describing our late April early May, which I'm longing for. Something about digging in the dirt and growing beautiful things is good for my soul, as I can tell is the same for yours. One day I'll travel to Arizona and enjoy the weather there. It's funny...I've been to other countries, but never Arizona.

I'm wishing you a beautiful, peaceful weekend. :)