Monday, November 12, 2007

Bread Karma

Karma is one of those words we don't translate, but everybody knows it's meaning. There are a lot of ways to describe Karma but it is essentially the belief that your present circumstances are a product of previous actions. Which makes me wonder who I fucked over... but I digress. The belief is that, what you do today will affect your tomorrow. The reason I am even bringing this topic up is because of Tyler K. He's terrified of Karma's swift sword. I find it amusing to watch him at work when people start gossiping or simply saying anything unkind about another human being. He completely clams up and removes himself from the situation. Someone challenged him this week about something or another and he said "I won't go there because Karma can be a bitch". This is my current creed. I over tip, overpay, go out of my way for others, smile when I don't feel like it, volunteer, let that asshole in the Lexus cut me off in traffic and wave a cheerful greeting after the fact, as I to, am afraid of the "bitch".

The painters just left after hours of laboriously covering up the blue paint in 2 rooms. They obviously underestimated the job. After 6 hours and 5 gallons of paint it is them singing the blues tonight. I am completely elated with the results!! I paid the bill wondering if it even covered materials. I felt compelled to generously tip them as I ere on the side of good Karma, after all.......

I just took this loaf of bread out of my oven. Yes, I am cooking again. The yeast has been rising all day. I am grateful to have cooking privileges back. The new oven is clean and now properly broken in. It's one thing to use the stove top for fajitas or meatballs, or employ the oven to warm a pizza. But it's a whole other thing to bake fresh bread. This oven knows it has serious works ahead of it. Bring on Thanksgiving!

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