Sunday, December 30, 2007
Oh Eight..............
Friday, December 28, 2007
Last Thoughts
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Naughty or Nice?
'Tis the season of Christmas and all through the 'hood, Little boys and girls wonder, "Oh crap, was I good?" It's redemption time folks. How did you fare this year?
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Christmas Party
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Lead me into Temptation
Tonight is the event of the Geminid meteor shower. I am not disappointed. I have been braving the cold for a few hours to watch. I was going to photograph it until my fingers became numb (in gloves)! It's cold. Watching this event tonight is a matter of endurance. I just came in to reclaim my body heat. I'm going back for more. Maybe a little whisky to warm me up inside out......
I have a semi-blind date tomorrow night. I am semi-nervous as I am going to launch into the dating world, finally. Sort of like semi-sweet chocolate. Is it bitter or is it sweet? It's certainly bittersweet for me. I may be down, but I'm not out and I'm a hard act to follow.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The Gift.....
I was on a mad quest today to find the Jerry Riopelle boxed CD set that was just released. As he is not mainstream, it was only available at ZIA Records or online. Good news. I go right by ZIA at 25th Ave and I-17 every day. So I marched in there this morning, minutes after they opened with my 50 bucks in hand, looking for my copy. I approached the 20 something year old Rastafarian looking boy behind the counter and asked him where I could find it. He pointed his pierced nose straight at me and said, "who"? I had to spell it repeatedly until he found the reference in his computer. He informs me they are sold out and sent me on my way to 19th Avenue and Indian School where one copy remained. I'm OK with that. How many people are out searching for this thing at 10 AM on a Wednesday morning? Apparently more than just me. I get there to learn they have no copies available according to the teenage girl with no fashion sense. She sensed my disappointment and offered to call the Tempe store. And since I was headed in that direction, I was hopeful again. Good news! They have 1 in stock. I've heard that before. My fashion failure clerk asked the store to hold it for me. Whew. I'm in. I arrive at University and Mill after getting hopelessly lost amongst the ASU foot traffic, but nevertheless, find my way there. I don't even bother to go searching because this store is such foreign territory. I decide to cut to the chase and ask the guy at the checkout podium. He to is baffled by my request. Who? These 20 somethings need to expand their musical horizons or at least know what they are selling. He scratches his beanie covered head and agrees, yes, according to the computer, there is a copy in the store. However, since he is alone he can't leave the counter and points me in the general direction of my scavenger hunt. I boldly go to the back of the store where they keep the crap no one wants. I read every CD spine from boxed sets to local artists for the next 20 minutes. With unabashed glee, I spotted it. That lone CD and now all mine. I walked back to the counter and shook that CD with pride in his face exclaiming "success". Beanie was not impressed and said "Uh Huh" and took my 50 bucks, happy to send me away. I am ecstatic. I unwrapped it while walking to my truck. The familiar strains of "Juicy Talk", "Skinny Women" "Home Cooking" and "Take it Like a Woman" with his piano keys pounding out the melody just delighted my soul. It was like revisiting an old friend. Music from the congeries of my memory. It was a sweet gift.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Fractured Candy Canes
Spending the day in a jumble of grandkids puts things into perspective. Nothing like a precocious two year old and a baby's drool to bring back a smile. Emma was set to entertain when I arrived and so we donned Santa hats and spent a giddy afternoon photographing ourselves and eating chocolate chip bread. It has been great to have a day off as opposed to an "off day". I need to spend more time with the kids.
1.) Publishing something tops the list, but writing something proceeds that.
And then there are the usual on the "to do" list, exercise, drink less, get my house in order to sell, clean my garage once and for all, get back into school, spend less money, hike that damn mountain, learn a new word every day, spend more time with the kids.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
On a rant of sorts
I suggest before embarking upon this post, that you settle in with a glass of your preferred hue of wine (or grape juice, if you're still pretending to be on the wagon). I'm warning you: this post is brought on by about by 20% irritation and 80% experience and penned in a moment of nostalgia, that seductive liar.....
I am now ticking down the minutes to end this year, by far the worst of my life. I don't know who I thought I was to be able to escape the tragedy's of life, but I was certain I had it all under control until the unforeseen catastrophic end of my marriage and loss of the only family I have ever been a part of. With the holidays looming I am struggling with the plain truth of waking up alone and wishing my dog Merry Christmas and then doing laundry. I am ashamed that I have not paid attention to people that are alone during the holidays. There must be so many of us. I was always lost in my Martha Stewart themed gift wrapping and perfect hor d ourves. I never gave a thought to these lonely souls, until I became one. People need people and we all forget to look around and see who needs a hand. I will never make that mistake again. Apparently a lesson I am meant to learn. The last hurdle will be this ho ho ho thing and then I can let it all go go go.
I'm mostly optimistic now. I give huge credit to Vickie for being part of the battalion that pulled me out of that nightmare... In the haze of losing myself and finding myself and rediscovering myself, I had forgotten all about the best parts of myself - my resilience, my strength, my loyalty to loved ones, my ability to love, my refusal to give up, even when I came close to that edge. I will no longer be underestimated, first and foremost, by myself. The year has taught me that people are never who you thought them to be. I lost my innocence and a good degree of trust, but gained a courage I don't recognize in myself. That in itself, is the biggest reward I could ever ask for.
My kinda exercise
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Exploding Christmas Balls
Finally victorious, I have a non-denominational festively functional start to my Christmas / Hanuka cheer.
It's not a secret, Emo is my favorite. Emo is a quiet character. He pays attention to fashion and has well coiffed hair. He regales us with stories of woe that range from heartache to the latest scam he was victim of. Emo is moody and we respect this about him. He's a shopalcoholic that has us all worried. He pays me great respect that melts my heart. He is usually the last one to leave for the day. He is extremely conscientious of his job and it's details. But just when we least expect it, Emo has a burst of intelligence that he has to share, stopping us to all go... hmmmmmm.
Michel has the oddball position of working for me, Mom. So we have a closer relationship than most. The best part of this now is that I accept him completely and have quit treating him like a child. And on the other hand, I think he sees me as the person other than Mom and so we are finally getting to know one another. Michel is my odd man out. Always shows up and never says no, has a work ethic of determination, but takes everything to the limit. Language, food, humor, pretending to work when he is just screwing off - he pushes the envelope to see how far he can go. Michel uses humor to replace uncertainty. He has a kind heart and a bit of vulnerability that is endearing. He is a genuine soul that I dearly love and worry about. He is without doubt, my favorite.
Tyler can just get away with anything. He bowls me over with charm. He is quiet, unassuming, intelligent and just the most impressive young man I have ever met. Tyler is ruthless. I watch him calculate $$ as he is bopping from task to task. The $$ is his bottom line and he is kindly calculating about making sure he gets the jobs that pay. He is not greedy, but smart. He is quite'ish, but opinionated and extremely generous with emotions. When he lets down his guard, his sense of humor falls out. Tyler is the hardest working of the bunch, by far, making him my favorite.
ZACHARY is without doubt, my favorite. He reminds me of my youth and makes me remember how to live life like it doesen't matter. He commands a short story. Zach walked into this venture 3 months ago and I was unsure that I even understood his personality, let alone would be able to work with him on a day to day basis. I gave him a shot only because he is Tyler's brother. He has exceeded my expectations and I embrace his presence in my life with genuine gratitude. Zach is the epitome of careless youth that never once thinks about what someone might say about his outlandish behavior. He simply does not see it and is just alive in his life. I envy his ignorance of how harsh this journey. He will learn and live well. I am sure.
Welcome back Gentlemen. I did miss you.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Blahhhging the afternoon away
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
A queer day
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Plastic Jesus
For instance, "rent a husband" was out there on his ladder before he'd even digested his turkey on Thanksgiving night because after all, it's the start of the season and the right thing to do. His perfect yards and perfect lights are a tad bit nauseating and a repeat. He and his perfect son spent an agonizing afternoon installing them and now my garage glows red and pink for the next month. Katie used to live in that house. She and I grumbled about how good it looks. She always wanted lights on the golf course side, but Randy refused saying no one would see them. "Rent a husband" knows better. His golf course side is beautiful.
Some people put in an honest effort. This is Christmas!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Destination, Kentucky!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Grace is gone
Friday, November 23, 2007
Black is black
It's 6:15 PM the day after Thanksgiving. This day is generally called Black Friday for the consumers ability to get retailers out of the red. I used to love this day and poured over the sale fliers with anticipation. Those were joyous days, waiting in hour long lines with other people buying electronics and talking picture frames and slippers. It was a sort of human bonding experience as you were forced to spend a good portion of time with strangers that were in the same frugal frame of mind. Gleeful with our $30 savings here and there and proud of our ability to brave this dying human event. With the internet being in it's teens now, more and more we trust it with our credit cards. In this modern Era, most shopping is now done online although a dying breed of Brick and Mortar shoppers still exist, much to my amazement. I did not participate in this ritual today, opting instead for a bit of self indulgence in the ways of just wandering about my house and gardens doing whatever felt right in the next moment. The dishes felt right, as they have been hiding since Tuesday's Thanksgiving and were beginning to smell. A nap felt right but turned into a bath instead. Tonight writing feels right, if I can get the words to come.....
Thursday, November 22, 2007
BE THANKFUL Living wth Gratitude
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Check Please
Albino Aligator
Check out his feet. Isn't he cute? Every night I set up camp on the patio with laptop and my assortment of goodies to write. Every night he is in the same spot on the ceiling reading over my shoulder. He tried out for the Geico ad but was rejected because he is not green. So I am giving him the fame he deserves.
If you click on the picture you can see him up close and personal. Since he's an albino, you can see his brain in green. Kinda creepy.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Blog Blurb
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Ladies Day @ OVF
Monday, November 12, 2007
The Mad Whisker
E and I spent Sunday cooking............
Don't ask his age, he's sensitive.
Bread Karma
Karma is one of those words we don't translate, but everybody knows it's meaning. There are a lot of ways to describe Karma but it is essentially the belief that your present circumstances are a product of previous actions. Which makes me wonder who I fucked over... but I digress. The belief is that, what you do today will affect your tomorrow. The reason I am even bringing this topic up is because of Tyler K. He's terrified of Karma's swift sword. I find it amusing to watch him at work when people start gossiping or simply saying anything unkind about another human being. He completely clams up and removes himself from the situation. Someone challenged him this week about something or another and he said "I won't go there because Karma can be a bitch". This is my current creed. I over tip, overpay, go out of my way for others, smile when I don't feel like it, volunteer, let that asshole in the Lexus cut me off in traffic and wave a cheerful greeting after the fact, as I to, am afraid of the "bitch".
The painters just left after hours of laboriously covering up the blue paint in 2 rooms. They obviously underestimated the job. After 6 hours and 5 gallons of paint it is them singing the blues tonight. I am completely elated with the results!! I paid the bill wondering if it even covered materials. I felt compelled to generously tip them as I ere on the side of good Karma, after all.......
I just took this loaf of bread out of my oven. Yes, I am cooking again. The yeast has been rising all day. I am grateful to have cooking privileges back. The new oven is clean and now properly broken in. It's one thing to use the stove top for fajitas or meatballs, or employ the oven to warm a pizza. But it's a whole other thing to bake fresh bread. This oven knows it has serious works ahead of it. Bring on Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
No pictures, please
"Yes would you like to help"?
"Yes" She sat down at station 1 and grabbed a housing and a few screws. I found it charming. As we have a photo wall of employees in various moments, I grabbed the camera so I could add her to the wall. She scowled and said; " no pictures please". She's apparently sick of my paparazzi ways.
There are 51 days left in this year. I am anxiously counting them down so I can start all over again.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Merry Christmas
Uh ohhh Blogger has a scheduled outage in a few minutes, so I'll write quickly lest you won't get my blurb of wisdom for the night.
A Coach bag
An Itunes gift card that's gonna last awhile
A Nisson 350 Z or Audi A4 - I'm not picky.
An impossibly generous giftcard from AJ's
That's it. My wishlist last year, published here, came true. I got everything I asked for. So I am upping the anty because I have faith.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
The Night Shift
Everyone deserves recognition, October's EOM is Michel.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Post-Halloween Re-cap thing
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I CAN'T cook
Sunday, October 28, 2007
While you were away.......
The dreaded brown cloud is back caused by recent winds stirring things up and most likely further fueled by the California fires, currently topped off with high pressure that won't let it escape. I celebrated the event by not leaving my house. However, in attempt at being constructive I had a cooking moment that erupted into a small kitchen fire forcing me to open my windows to let the smoke out, adding to the cloud. Sorry about that. I'm either going to have to quit cooking or buy a self cleaning oven.
It's been a long time between blog posts, all for good reasons. When I do find time to write, I'm spending it constructively, looking for the ever elusive inspiration for publication.
Michel turned 18 (tomorrow actually) but having celebrated it last Saturday. This reality is a tough transition for me and I spent the afternoon reflecting passing youth. I am brought back into focus from my afternoon malaise by a demanding cell phone and a barking dog that turns out to be mine. We have already gotten one warning from the city about his disturbing of the peace, I reluctantly get up to go quiet him down. Paws adheres to my command to shut up and looks at me with complete understanding. There is that heavy tug at my heart as I kiss him between the eyes and silently thank him for his unconditional friendship. We have spent nearly a decade and a half together and I have to accept the pending truth of a lifespan. His recent diagnosis of cancer (of the lymph nodes) is really hard for me to accept. I have lost everything this year. Do I have to say goodbye to him too? Michel and Paws grew up together. Michel is grown and gone but Paws and I remain to finish this chapter. I hope there are a few more pages to turn. I'll spend his final days loving and appreciating him rather than foreseeing the calamity, therefore not suffering it twice. I'll be OK........... though not holding my breath.
"If your going thru hell, keep on movin, don't slow down, if you're scared don't show it. You might get out before the Devil even knows you're there".
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Fires and Fog
Though my intentions were good, my Sunday fell flat for a second week in a row. I spent the day chasing a hangover cure having over indulged Saturday night. I don't think I regret it, as I had a good time.... well, maybe a little. Spent the majority of the day when not concocting hangover shooters, writing, hoping something would catch fire. A welcome relief. I had an inspired brain that I did not expect. So I ran with it. Starting with an assigned story of last night's party, to some book work to the journal and concluding with this bit of blog. Usual writing doubts fill my head. This voice of self doubt keeps pushing me against the wall making it hard to stay on target. For inspiration I read this passage:
You don't live there always when you write. Mostly it's a long hard walk. Sometimes it's a trudge through fog and you're scared you've lost your way and can't remember why you set out in the first place.
But sometimes you fly, and that pays for everything.
It's hard to believe my one day off is nearly over. I could use another. This must be why weekends were invented. I am hoping for one of my own soon. If I can carve out even 48 hours to do with what I will I plan to run away from my life again. It's been to long between excursions. I would like to spend another weekend in Denver, but will most likely just retreat to my favorite bed and breakfast in Scottsdale for a couple of days.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
A week in review
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Fun with dirty words
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Day Off Report
Monday, October 01, 2007
Ahhhhhh October
circumcision. Nikki is gracefully settling in to life with "kids". I am astonished she can juggle it all so effortlessly. It seems overwhelming to me.
Friday, September 28, 2007
A review; Books, Grocery Stores, Overflow
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Harvest Moon
(Photo Credit: Night Vision Photography)