Friday, October 27, 2006

The Promise


October 27th in the year of 2006...

In the "working on me" department, I simply have to learn to slow my pace. This I know. My days are such a whirlwind of self imposed chores. I know I can do a bit less and take a few more breaks. It's my goal for November.

Family and such is on an even keel. I am still grasping the fact that my husband is human and therefore, flawed. But as Vickie points out, I was in love for 14 years and have just now opened my eyes. It was a good run!!

Michel is 17 on Sunday. I am dealing with melancholy and longing that it went so fast and that I didn't do it better. But I have to be confidant in the person that he has become. And so this year, I accept in my heart that I am letting him go to grow and live.

My company / work is no longer the frantic stress of chaos that was in this past summer. It's a successful hum of steady income and happy employees and opportunity for all that work here. I am eternally grateful each and every day.

The coyote story continues to evolve. The grey one that frightened me last month has now become my distant friend. I have named her Franchescia. I decide she is a "her" because I think a male would be more skittish / preditory towards Paw Paws. But this creature is not afraid of us and actually seeks us out - from afar, but she is there. We have had the pleasure of coming within 2-3 feet of her. When this happened, I apologized and cross the road, allowing her, her space. Yet she follows at a distance. This goes on almost every night. Once I had the pleasure of sitting on Tee # whatever while she lounged close to me. I spoke to her. We chatted and it was an amicable communication. The moment was so close to Nirvana with a beast that is was that night I named her. She made me feel like I was St. Francis, talking to the animals.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I am constantly tweaking the details that are my life. I feel like I am "fine tuned", but realize that is is an ongoing journey. And so, I am humble, but grateful for the good time I am making.

Like sands through the hourglass.........

........and so Posted by Picasa

Early Fall

Temperatures are flirting with triple digits this 4th day in October. Apparently to remind us where we are living. Just when I break out the pumpkins, the desert has a big laugh. Let's hope this is the last laugh. I am ready for a sweater and AC bills under $400.
Phil is on travel. I am aimlessly functioning, but it feels like I am missing my best friend. My days are hollow until he gets back. Tonight he sleeps in Baltimore. He is sounding weary when last we spoke. Three states, five cities and numerous plane rides are taking an apparent toll. Some Blessed Blue Shuttle should deliver him back to me late tomorrow night.
In his absence I have a line full of plastics (which are now completed, with a sigh of relief - 200 and change). I am manically cleaning out our space in preparation for our semi-annual community garage sale that will occur this Saturday! So, with all of my choosen junk housed in the garage, it is now up to me to sort, clean, price and organize the stuff. The hours it is taking is staggering!
I just hope the profits match the effort.

Just a Thought

She appears to be so contimplative, however, at 17 months, full of energy and Oreos, that apparent "thoughtful pose" was a mere 3 seconds in time. I am grateful to have captured it!

What's on Emma's IPOD you ask?? She is enjoying some Laurie Berkner, the Itsy Bitsy Spider and "I'm the Map".

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